Pre-flight panic party

I don’t even remember when exactly, but my bestie and I booked a girls trip to Bali earlier in the year. Well, I’ve blinked and now I leave for the first leg of the trip in… oh a casual nine hours time.


Of course, I am super excited; I’ve never been to Bali before – I mean I only left the country for the first time when I was 30 – but, uh, winging an international trip is already starting to show a few flaws.

Firstly, did you know that if you go to book an immensely popular tour that involves driving around on a bar that’s on the back of a bike with free-pouring beer two days before your arrival, it will be booked out

Another fun fact: if you leave it to the night before to do your washing in the middle of winter, you run the risk of your clothes not drying in time?

But, my absolute ‘favourite’ faux pas was thinking that I would actually be able to pre-plan all my Blaugust posts to cover five days of being AFK.

Ha ha ha ha hahaha.


I’m actually pretty devastated that my Blaugust win-streak is in jeopardy – it’s almost up there with missing out on the beer bike tour! – but I’m hoping that between the four hour plane flight and all the lazing about the pool that I’m planning on, I can phone in a few quickies to keep the dream alive.

Wish me luck!

What are your go-to posts when you’re strapped for time? Let me know in the comments below

3 thoughts on “Pre-flight panic party

  1. My parents did a cruise to Bali last year. I forget where it departed from, but my dad recommended simply flying to Bali unless you really like being on the ship as it was a long time at sea with no stops.

    I tend to collect up some non-time sensitive topics that I never get around to publishing, which I then finish up and queue in advance before I go on vacation. I tend towards nostalgia on that front, old games I’ve revisited and that sort of thing.

    As for the beer bike tour, we have that around here as well. It probably isn’t as alluring in San Jose as it is in Bali… also, I read that the beer is merely discounted and not free with our local version. Meh!

  2. Have fun on your trip and Bali will knock your socks off. The place is beautiful and since you’ve never been there, take your phone, camera and be sure to drink bottled water. πŸ˜€

  3. WordPress app for the phone post one photo a day with a couple of sentences associated with it to keep a memory of your time in Bali. Vacations always go by so quick, have an awesome time!

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